Sentinel 5P: Total column ozone (O3) level 2 data
Sentinel 5P total column ozone products contain total ozone, ozone temperature, and error information including averaging kernels. These data products are provided in a 7km x 3.5km resolution.
Ozone (O3) is of crucial importance for the equilibrium of the Earth's atmosphere. In the stratosphere, the ozone layer shields the biosphere from dangerous solar ultraviolet radiation. In the troposphere, it acts as an efficient cleansing agent, but at high concentrations, it also becomes harmful to the health of humans, animals, and vegetation. Ozone is also an important greenhouse-gas contributor to ongoing climate change. Since the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole in the 1980s and the subsequent Montreal Protocol regulating the production of chlorine-containing ozone-depleting substances, ozone has been routinely monitored from the ground and from space. For TROPOMI/S5P, there are two algorithms that will deliver total ozone: GDP for the near real-time and GODFIT for the offline products. GDP is currently being used for generating the operational total ozone products from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2; while GODFIT is being used in the ESA CCI and the Copernicus C3S projects.
Previous Info: |
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers: |
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules: |
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s): When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record. |
Data lineage: |
Data collected and prepared by European Space Agency (ESA). Downloaded from the Collaborative Hub for use by CEDA users. |
Data Quality: |
See dataset associated documentation
File Format: |
These data are provided in netCDF format.
Related Documents
Sentinel-5p User Guide |
Tools for TROPOMI data |
TROPOMI webpage |
Sentinel-5P Ozone |
Process overview
Instrument/Platform pairings
TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) | Deployed on: Sentinel 5 Precursor |
Computation Element: 1
Title | Level 2 Ozone (O3) total column processing algorithm applied to Sentinel 5P TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) raw data |
Abstract | This computation involves the Level 2 processing algorithm applied to raw TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) data. The one-step OFFL algorithm (S5P_TO3_GODFIT) comprises a non-linear least-squares inversion based on the direct comparison of simulated and measured backscattered radiances. Simulated radiances are computed (again for a multiple scattering atmosphere) at all nominal wavelengths in the UV fitting window, along with corresponding analytically derived weighting functions for total ozone, albedo and effective temperature. The algorithm also contains closure fitting coefficients and a semi-empirical correction for Ring interference. Although more accurate, the S5P_TO3_GODFIT algorithm involves many more RT simulations than S5P_TO3_DOAS, and is, therefore, slower by an order of magnitude approximately. This is currently the main driver for the selection of S5P_TO3_DOAS for the NRTI product. For more information on the processing of the O3 product please refer to the ATBD document. |
Input Description | None |
Output Description | None |
Software Reference | None |
Output Description | None |
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: eastward_wind
- var_id: eastward_wind
- long_name: Eastward wind from ECMWF at 10 meter height level
- units: W m-2
- var_id: euv
- long_name: Erythemal UV irradiance
- var_id: instrument_configuration_identifier
- long_name: IcID
- var_id: instrument_configuration_version
- long_name: IcVersion
- units: m s-1
- standard_name: northward_wind
- var_id: northward_wind
- long_name: Northward wind from ECMWF at 10 meter height level
- units: 1
- var_id: number_of_spectral_points_in_retrieval
- long_name: Number of spectral points used in the DOAS retrieval
- units: 1
- var_id: number_of_spectral_points_in_retrieval
- long_name: Number of spectral points used in the retrieval
- units: 1
- long_name: Processing quality flags
- var_id: processing_quality_flags
- units: 1
- var_id: covariance_matrix_diagonal
- long_name: The diagonal entries of the covariance matrix of the GODFIT retrieval
- var_id: time_utc
- long_name: Time of observation as ISO 8601 date-time string
- units: 1
- var_id: ground_pixel
- long_name: across-track dimension index
- units: 1
- var_id: scanline
- long_name: along-track dimension index
- units: mol m-2
- var_id: ozone_profile_apriori
- long_name: apriori ozone profile
- units: 1
- var_id: calibration_subwindows_root_mean_square
- standard_name: TBA
- long_name: calibration rms per subwindow
- units: nm
- standard_name: TBA
- var_id: calibration_subwindows_wavelength
- long_name: calibration wavelength center in each subwindow
- units: 1
- standard_name: cloud_albedo
- long_name: cloud albedo from the CRB model
- var_id: cloud_albedo_crb
- units: 1
- standard_name: cloud_albedo_standard_error
- long_name: cloud albedo precision from the CRB model
- var_id: cloud_albedo_crb_precision
- units: m
- standard_name: TBD
- long_name: cloud radiometric optical centroid height from the CRB model
- var_id: cloud_height_crb
- units: m
- standard_name: TBD
- long_name: cloud radiometric optical centroid height precision from the CRB model
- var_id: cloud_height_crb_precision
- units: Pa
- standard_name: TBD
- var_id: cloud_pressure_crb
- long_name: cloud radiometric optical centroid pressure from the CRB model
- units: Pa
- standard_name: TBD
- var_id: cloud_pressure_crb_precision
- long_name: cloud radiometric optical centroid pressure precision from the CRB model
- units: 1
- standard_name: TBA
- var_id: calibration_polynomial_coefficients
- long_name: computed coefficients of the polynomial function
- units: 1
- var_id: qa_value
- long_name: data quality value
- units: 1
- var_id: degrees_of_polynomial_shift
- long_name: degrees_of_polynomial_shift dimension index
- units: 1
- var_id: fitted_root_mean_square
- long_name: doas fit root mean square residual
- units: 1
- standard_name: TBD
- long_name: effective radiometric cloud fraction from the CRB model
- var_id: cloud_fraction_crb
- units: 1
- standard_name: TBD
- long_name: effective radiometric cloud fraction precision from the CRB model
- var_id: cloud_fraction_crb_precision
- units: 1
- var_id: effective_albedo
- long_name: effective scene albedo
- units: Pa
- var_id: scene_pressure
- long_name: effective scene pressure computed from surface and cloud pressure
- units: W m-2
- var_id: euv
- units: 1
- var_id: condition_number
- long_name: final condition number after the tikhonov inversion
- units: 1
- var_id: degrees_of_freedom
- long_name: final degrees of freedom after the tikhonov inversion
- units: 1
- var_id: regularization_parameter
- long_name: final regularization parameter after the tikhonov inversion
- var_id: fitted_state_vector
- units: various
- long_name: fitted parameters in the total ozone retrieval
- units: 1
- var_id: convergence_flag
- long_name: flag signaling the convergence of the o3 algorithm
- units: 1
- var_id: satellite_orbit_phase
- long_name: fractional satellite orbit phase
- units: mol m-2
- var_id: ozone_ghost_column
- long_name: ghost column
- units: 1
- long_name: ground pixel quality flag
- var_id: geolocation_flags
- units: 1
- var_id: histogram_axis
- units: nm
- standard_name: TBA
- var_id: calibration_subwindows_shift
- long_name: irradiance wavelengths shift fitted values per subwindow
- units: 1
- standard_name: TBA
- var_id: calibration_subwindows_squeeze
- long_name: irradiance wavelengths squeeze fitted values per subwindow
- units: 1
- var_id: surface_classification
- long_name: land-water mask
- units: degrees_north
- var_id: latitude_bounds
- units: 1
- var_id: layer
- long_name: layer dimension index
- units: 1
- var_id: level
- long_name: level dimension index
- units: degrees_east
- var_id: longitude_bounds
- units: 1
- var_id: number_of_iterations_vertical_column
- long_name: number of vcd iterations
- units: 1
- var_id: number_fitting_parameter
- long_name: number_fitting_parameter dimension index
- units: 1
- var_id: number_of_calibrations
- long_name: number_of_calibrations dimension index
- units: 1
- var_id: number_of_subwindows
- long_name: number_of_subwindows dimension index
- units: milliseconds
- var_id: delta_time
- long_name: offset from reference start time of measurement
- units: 1
- var_id: averaging_kernel
- long_name: ozone averaging kernel
- units: K
- var_id: ozone_effective_temperature
- long_name: ozone cross section effective temperature
- var_id: ozone_total_column_histogram
- var_id: ozone_total_column_pdf
- units: 1
- var_id: pdf_axis
- units: 1
- var_id: corner
- long_name: pixel corner index
- units: Pa
- standard_name: atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate
- var_id: pressure_grid
- long_name: pressure grid
- units: 1
- var_id: ring_scale_factor
- long_name: ring correction factor
- units: m
- var_id: satellite_altitude
- long_name: satellite altitude
- units: degrees_east
- var_id: satellite_longitude
- long_name: satellite_longitude
- units: 1
- var_id: scaled_small_pixel_variance
- long_name: scaled small pixel variance
- units: 1
- var_id: sea_ice_cover
- long_name: sea-ice-cover
- units: 1
- var_id: shannon_information_content
- long_name: shannon information content
- units: mol m-2
- var_id: smoothing_error
- long_name: smoothing error
- units: 1
- var_id: snow_cover
- long_name: snow-cover
- units: 1
- long_name: snow-ice mask
- var_id: snow_ice_flag_nise
- units: degree
- standard_name: solar_azimuth_angle
- long_name: solar azimuth angle
- var_id: solar_azimuth_angle
- units: degree
- long_name: solar zenith angle
- var_id: solar_zenith_angle
- standard_name: solar_zenith_angle
- units: degrees_north
- var_id: satellite_latitude
- long_name: sub satellite latitude
- units: 1
- standard_name: surface_albedo
- long_name: surface albedo
- var_id: surface_albedo
- units: 1
- standard_name: surface_albedo
- var_id: surface_albedo
- long_name: surface albedo from daily G3_LER
- units: m
- standard_name: surface_altitude
- var_id: surface_altitude
- long_name: surface altitude
- units: m
- var_id: surface_altitude_precision
- standard_name: surface_altitude standard_error
- long_name: surface altitude precision
- units: Pa
- standard_name: surface_air_pressure
- long_name: surface_air_pressure
- var_id: surface_pressure
- units: K
- var_id: surface_temperature
- standard_name: surface_air_temperature
- long_name: surface_air_temperature
- standard_name: atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone
- units: mol m-2
- var_id: ozone_total_vertical_column
- long_name: total ozone column
- units: mol m-2
- var_id: ozone_total_vertical_column_precision
- standard_name: atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone error
- long_name: total ozone column random error
- units: 1
- var_id: vertices
- long_name: vertices dimension index
- units: degree
- standard_name: viewing_azimuth_angle
- long_name: viewing azimuth angle
- var_id: viewing_azimuth_angle
- units: degree
- long_name: viewing zenith angle
- standard_name: viewing_zenith_angle
- var_id: viewing_zenith_angle
Co-ordinate Variables
- units: degrees_north
- standard_name: latitude
- var_id: latitude
- long_name: pixel center latitude
- units: degrees_east
- standard_name: longitude
- var_id: longitude
- long_name: pixel center longitude
- standard_name: time
- var_id: time
- units: seconds
- long_name: reference time for the measurements
Temporal Range
Geographic Extent
90.0000° |
-180.0000° |
180.0000° |
-90.0000° |